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Cookie Monster sings ‘Take Me Out to the Ballgame’ at Chicago Cubs game

Several celebrities have sung during the seventh inning stretch over the years at Wrigley Field.
Credit: @Cubs, Twitter
Cookie Monster sings "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" on Thursday, June 27, 2019, at Wrigley Field in Chicago.

CHICAGO — The Chicago Cubs have had several celebrities sing “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” over the years during the seventh inning stretch at Wrigley Field.

Sesame Street’s Cookie Monster’s rendition Thursday might have been one of the best.

Before he started to sing, Cookie Monster clarified that the letter “C” stands for Cubbies.

The crowd cheered loudly for the beloved Muppet.

The Cubs beat the Atlanta Braves, 9-7.

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