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'What if?': One woman shares her cancer story to help others

Maureen Famiano is sharing her personal story to help raise money for LLS.

TAMPA, Fla. — Right now, a massive fundraising effort is underway for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS) here in Tampa. 16 volunteers called visionaries are currently working to raise as much money as possible hoping to be named visionary of the year. While it's a friendly competition, the goal is to raise awareness and offer hope to anyone facing a cancer diagnosis. 

Maureen Famiano was one of last year's visionaries and says it's an important mission for everyone.

"A few years back I went to support a colleague and friend who was involved," Famiano said. "I thought it would be good to support her and learning about LLS." 

Last year, Maureen was nominated to be a visionary, meaning she'd have to commit to raising a lot of money. She decided it was a challenge worth taking on. 

"If I can get involved and make a difference and help people understand, advocate and pay attention, then that's what I should do," she said. "And while LLS, leukemia and lymphoma did not impact me personally or in my circles, another cancer did." 

Colon cancer. 

"And it came out of nowhere in 2010." 

A colonoscopy revealed a tumor the size of a kiwi. 

"And I had to digest the words no one ever wants to hear. You have cancer," she said. 

Maureen went through surgery and chemo and thought her fight was over. 

"It was at the 6-year mark that I went back and they're like... you have 20 new polyps. How can that be? I just had a clean bill of health the year before." 

This time she went for four opinions and opted for surgery to remove her colon. That was 2017. Today she shares her story in the hopes of helping others, recently doing a TEDx talk on her personal motto "What if?."  

"Life is about our journeys and what we do about it and for me it's about... 'What if?' What if we say we can't do something or what if we don't believe in ourselves or what if you give yourself a shot or what if you take a chance on yourself or what if you take a chance on you?"

Now she's helping this year's LLS visionary candidates reach their goal, raising money to help others. 

"And knowing you're a part of that to help somebody that maybe you don't know fight the fight, get through it, get to the other side and have a better journey during it... is there anything better?"

This year's visionaries have a few more weeks to raise money, leading up to the big gala on May 3rd. The goal is to raise $775,000! Click here to meet this year's visionary candidates. Maureen is also raising money again this year.

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