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Season of Saving: What you should know before buying electronics

With the latest electronics on sale during the holidays, this veteran offers insights on buying high-tech gifts over the holidays while saving money.

TAMPA, Fla. — Deal-seekers searching for the best holiday shopping offerings often turn to the latest electronics. They are faced with multiple options; some are new others are used. Sometimes, the wide variety of products can be overwhelming.

“What are you actually looking for?” asked retired military veteran, Matthew Hale. “I got a master’s degree in computer engineering from Boston University. Came back and worked for the Department of Defense for almost 20 years.”

Hale said refurbished electronics typically come with a store warranty, something that ensures the goods have been inspected. If the product is new, however, he said some stores will alter prices.

Best Buy, for instance, matches prices. The retailer even breaks down price matching on its website.

“Anybody that owns an Apple knows that if I go outside that realm, then that voids my warranty. That’s why Apple computers don’t lose their price point,” Hale said.

Hale said PC offers more flexibility.

Embedded in the resources: Amazon, eBay, and CNET. CNET links you with consumer reviews and advice. Search engines aside, Hale urged buyers to remember this when purchasing any computer.

“You want to look at RAM, the processor, and the video cards. Those are the biggest things about what allows a computer to expand and move just as fast if not faster down the road.”

Some items you might want to avoid buying refurbished because they touch your skin: headphones and earbuds.

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