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Bringing an umbrella to the beach? Make sure you know about these new safety standards

Thousands of people have been hurt and even impaled by beach umbrellas that have been caught up in strong winds.
Credit: Evgeny Korshenkov - stock.adobe.

CLEARWATER, Fla. — It's almost time for the unofficial start to summer — Memorial Day Weekend is just days away. Cookouts, parades, memorials, sales and other events will pack the holiday weekend, including trips to the beach. 

And if you're thinking of bringing along a beach umbrella to keep you and your friends shaded from the hot Florida sun, you should make sure you know the latest safety standards and how to properly anchor it. 

The standards changed earlier this year after numerous calls for government officials to look into the umbrellas. That's because thousands of people have been injured by umbrellas that have been swept up by wind. Two deaths have also been reported, with the most recent one happening in 2022 on a South Carolina beach. 

Because the umbrella poles end at a point to burrow into the ground, if the shade provider isn't anchored or positioned properly, the umbrella could be carried away by a strong gust of wind. 

To help prevent more people from being hurt by beach umbrellas, ASTM International issued new specifications and standards for manufacturers to adopt. This was done to address hazards identified by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). 

Essentially, depending on the size of the umbrella, manufacturers need to use different testing methods to determine how strong the attachment is. 

Additionally, warning labels will now be required on the umbrellas and packaging (if you can't see the umbrella's label clearly). Instructions on assembly, installation and more are also required.

When it comes to anchor devices, manufacturers should have a compliance label. 

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