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Tampa leaders approve speed cameras at 13 local schools: What you need to know

Drivers could get hit with a $100 fine for each infraction.

TAMPA, Fla. — More than a dozen school zones in Tampa will be equipped with speed cameras in the near future after city council members on Thursday approved an ordinance

The councilmembers' decision comes after Florida lawmakers in 2023 paved the way for local governments to enforce school zone speed limits by use of speed detection cameras. And, back in November, Hillsborough County Commissioners gave the green light to school zone speed cameras. 

The cameras are similar to red light cameras. If you go faster than 11 mph over the posted school zone speed, the camera snaps a photo. 

During Thursday's meeting, Councilmember Luis Viera addressed potential concerns people who are opposed to speed cameras may have.

"You know a lot of people are not crazy about speed cameras, I'm certainly not," Viera said. "I think most people agree they tend to be by their very nature intrusive and a lot of folks don't like that. 

"But this is something that is very, very narrowly tailored," Viera continued. "It's very reasonable." 


Viera went on to say there was a cap of $100 for fines issued to drivers who violate the school zone speed limit. 

"I think camera enforcement laws are a slippery slope," Councilmember Alan Clendenin said. He was the only member to vote no to the ordinance. 

Hillsborough County Schools said in a statement to 10 Tampa Bay that it was supportive of the school zone speed cameras as a way to ensure student safety.  

"Any measure designed to help protect our students as they travel to and from school has our full support," school spokesperson Tanya Arja said. "More and more often we are seeing drivers distracted and taking unnecessary risks on roadways, especially in school zones.  

There is no question, enforcement is key to ensuring we keep students safe. School zone speed detection devices are a proactive solution to continue to protect students around their schools."

Before speed detection cameras can be installed, Tampa leaders still need to find a vendor. Additionally, the ordinance requires a 30-day notice before installation happens. 

Tampa school zones designated to get cameras

According to the ordinance, evidence shows these 13 Hillsborough County schools in Tampa have a "heightened safety risk" and should benefit from the installation of speed detection cameras within the designated school zones. 

Below is a list and map showing where each school is located: 

  • Alexander Elementary — 5602 N. Lois Ave
  • B.T. Washington Elementary — 1407 Estelle St. 
  • Cleveland Elementary — 723 E. Hamilton Ave. 
  • Ferrell Middle Magnet — 4302 N. 24th St. 
  • Lomax Elementary Magnet — 4207 N. 26th St.
  • Orange Grove Middle Magnet — 3415 16th St. 
  • Potter Elementary — 3224 E Cayuga St. 
  • Shaw Elementary — 11311 N. 15th St. 
  • Shore Elementary Magnet — 1908 2nd Ave. 
  • Sulphur Springs Elementary — 8412 N. 13th St. 
  • Tampa Bay Boulevard Elementary (TBBE) — 3111 W. Tampa Bay Blvd. 
  • West Tampa Elementary — 2700 W. Cherry St. 
  • Young Middle Magnet — 1807 E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.

How the cameras and fines work

According to the ordinance, the Tampa Police Department is authorized to enforce the school zone speed limit. The cameras will capture photos or videos when drivers go over 10 miles above the posted speed limit. The cameras will reportedly be active within 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after school is in session.

Drivers who violate the ordinance within those times could face a $100 fine. 

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