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Tiny, plastic toy gun no threat but causes stir on Pasco County school bus

Leaders said a student told the bus driver that another child had a gun in their backpack.

PASCO COUNTY, Fla. — A trip on a Pasco County school bus had an interesting start Wednesday morning after a report of a gun turned out to be fake.

In a message to parents, Pasco County Schools leaders explained a student told the bus driver that another student had a gun in their backpack. The driver stopped the bus and quickly took control of the bag.

Deputies responded and searched the bag — only to discover a tiny plastic toy gun about 2 inches long.

"Clearly the tiny toy gun was no threat," school leaders said in the message. "No one was in any danger."

The principal of Calusa Elementary School, which is where the bus was traveling, made sure to send out a message to parents to "avoid rumors."

"...We take all such matters very seriously because safety is our highest priority," the school leaders said in the statement. "We want to commend our bus driver for his appropriate response and thank the Sheriff’s Office for their prompt response and for all they do to keep our students and staff safe."

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